Why Ceremonial Magick and Witchcraft Aren’t So Different

Is ceremonial magick better than witchcraft? Is one better than the other? Why is elitism such a pervasive problem in this community? Join me as I sit in the crook of a Juniper tree and talk about ceremonialism, folk magic, devilry, and moral superiority, and share some methods on how one can bridge the two in their own practice.

Sat Upon a Toadstool is a lighthearted podcast dedicated to exploring the lived experience of Witchcraft through the lens of spirit relationship, folk magic, land veneration, and mediation between the world of the living and the next. Your host, Mahigan Saint-Pierre, is comfortably seated in increasingly odd corners of the woods chatting with god-knows-what critter as they sip on strange brews and chat about all things witchcraft, occult, and spiritual. Twice a month, join them for a discussion on whatever topic is heavy on their mind, and don’t miss out on their monthly advice column answering questions sent in by you — the listener!


Can Anyone Be a Witch? Episode 1