Update, releases, and going forward:

Hey y’all! Hope life’s treating you fairly. Things have been hectic in the Kitchen Toad household, but it’s been the good kind of busy! This post is just a simple update on Kitchen Toad, my life, the services we offer, and upcoming product releases. There are a few changes being made to how I’ll be operating Kitchen Toad going forward, and so I’ll be going into that as well.

To start off, let’s talk about the past couple of weeks! You guys went HARD on the Red and Blue Venus in Cancer and Mercury’s Green Lightning Collections. I’m eternally grateful! This was our biggest and most successful launch, and so I’d like to say thank you one more time! That said, there are still plenty of offerings to go around! Bags are selling fast, and powders are going quickly, but there is still a little bit of everything available!

The launch of these collections took a lot of work, and there is still much that I wish I had done for it, but with my life’s tendency to get crazy pretty fast, I didn’t get to fit everything in before the deadline! As such, future product launches will completely random, and although I will definitely announce them before they come, they will not follow a particular pattern, nor will they be overly complicated. Lots of work goes into Kitchen Toad, and I am alone to complete every task, so I’ve decided to let go of the traditional ideal of having frequent, steady launches. I’d adopted that perspective a few months into building Kitchen Toad, and it just doesn’t feel right. After all, this shop is essentially a passion project, and so I want to feel passionate and excited about it, not anxious or stressed out. Products will come out as they are made and uploaded, collections will launch sporadically, and projects will come to fruition as I am able to muster.

Custom spellwork and formulation services will remain more or less the same, but will gain a bigger emphasis going forward, as I get rid of the a-la-carte spells currently found in our 'Services’ section. I’ve never been one to do things cookie-cutter style, and although I wished to offer easy, accessible spell services to you all, I don’t believe I did so in the right manner. Going forward, all spellwork will be customized and tailored to the needs of the querent, and I will no longer offer generalized spellwork. I still have to figure out how to implement this decision into our online storefront, but expect to see theses changes made sooner than later. Custom formulations will also be implemented and an e-mail consultation will become protocol.

As for me, I am in the middle of moving, and although I am migrating a mere block away, the process of finding an apartment during these interesting times was less than pleasant, dealing me a good amount of stress. However! I’ve finally found the next Kitchen Toad home, meaning I will finally have a dedicated workshop for all things Kitchen Toad! With the increase in space will also come an increase in production; I’ll finally be able to get back into soap making, and I’ll be able to produce candles on a larger scale. I really look forward to showing y’all the new space once I’m all settled in.

As such, things might be taking a little longer to ship, and responses might be delayed, which I apologize for. Note that I will continue to ignore the Kitchen Toad Instagram and e-mail during the weekends. If you contact me after noon on Friday, you can expect a response on Monday!

Coming soon to Kitchen Toad is the Horny Goat collection, which has been quite anticipated! This collection, at launch, will feature ritual tapers, as well as coiled stang candles, Horny Goat oil, and powder. Available at launch will also be the option for a new custom item: the Horny Goat’s Packet. This talisman of great power was created following the instruction of Hekate. It features a prominent seal representative of the Horny Goat’s love and passion for sensuality, romance, sex, and love, obtained through channeled writing. Each packet includes the petitions of the querent, a generous sprinkle of Horny Goat powder, as well as a a dab of Horny Goat oil. This packet is then folded and presented to Hekate, empowered by her grace, and consecrated by my hand.

The Horny Goat collection is a collection for men who love men, and all queer masc-aligned folks. It has a strong aphrodisiac quality, entrancing those affected by its use. It incites love and lust in equal amounts, and is designed to lead to powerful, passionate encounters, whether sexual or romantic. As most of my love-related offerings, this collection features a slight domination aspect, but that is not to say that it is a particularly dominating blend. Instead, it focuses on lowering the social walls typically built in settings which may feel hostile to those of us in the queer community. To accomplish this, Valerian root features prominently. It is paired with Lemongrass, lending to this collection an uncrossing aspect specifically aimed at ensuring these encounters and experiences can happen without fear of hate, nor any harm done to those involved. This collection is not simply to draw love, but also serves as an excellent pick-me-up for sex workers, dancers, doms, and all those who wish or need to captivate any male-aligned person as part of their career. It can also be used to get better sex out of your significant other, or any random hook up. It can be used to convince another to be more open-minded in bed, as well ;)

Following the Horny Goat collection will come the Wall of Brimo collection, which I am thrilled to offer. It will come after I have settled into my new home, and will feature a range of items I am very excited to put to together. I’ll be updating y’all on that in a separate post! By the by, there will be a sale on our Green Lightning collection starting in a few days, in anticipation of the retrograde! Keep an eye out!

That sums up pretty much everything I wanted to talk about today! Thanks for lending me an ear, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for what’s coming!




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